Neurodiversity: Career fair prep

Check out these tips, adapted from the Neurodiversity Hub’s valuable guide for anyone preparing for a career fair or employment event.

July 28, 2022

Take a deep breath

It’s alright to take a break, adjust and take a deep breath. When you feel calm and ready, return to the fair
and find employers you want to learn about.

Get familiar with the space or platform

If it’s an in-person event, try familiarizing yourself with the area. If it’s a virtual event, take time to navigate
the platform features. Next, note which employers you’re interested in so you can plan your time

Review your plan

Rank the employers you are interested in from one to five (one as the most interesting and five as the least interesting). To practice, visit the employer you’re least interested in first. Progress to the other employers as you build confidence.

Use your time effectively

Waiting in booth lines is a great chance to centre yourself before it’s your turn to talk with an employer.
Practice your personal pitch or use breathing exercises to calm and centre yourself.

Prepare notes and take new notes

When you prepare, include key elements in your notes like part of your pitch and reminders like “don’t
forget to share your resume and ask for a business card.” During the conversation or immediately after, try to capture one or two key points to reference later when you follow up with the employer.

More support

We recommend checking out the Neurodiversity Hub for more information and tips on preparing for a career fair.