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Need quick answers? Try the live chat
Monday–Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET
Use the live chat to connect with us and get answers in real time. This is a space we created for you to ask questions, get information and chat with our staff and student staff who understand what it’s like to be in university. You can think of it as our virtual front desk. Find the “chat with us” button on any page of the website to get started.
Career drop-ins
In-person career drop-ins: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Gilmour Hall 110)
- Meetings are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis and are approximately 20 minutes.
Brought to you by the Student Success Centre (SSC) and Alumni Career Services.
International student drop-ins
In-person drop-ins
Location: International and Exchange Student Experience Hub MUSC B118
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Writing advisor drop-ins
Writing advisors are available for 10 minutes to consult on essays, reports, reflections or any other type of writing project.
Location: Writing and Academic Skills Hub (L215)
- Mondays: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- Thursdays: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Let’s connect on campus
Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET
- Student Success Centre, Gilmour Hall 110
- Spiritual Care and Learning Centre, McMaster University Student Centre (MUSC) 212
- SSC: International and Exchange Student Experience Hub MUSC B118
- SSC: Writing and Academic Skills Hub, Mills Library 215
Send us an email
If you have general questions related to the Student Success Centre and our services, email studentsuccess@mcmaster.ca. If you have an accommodation need for an appointment, event, meeting or workshop hosted by the Student Success Centre, please email careeraccess@mcmaster.ca. If you require any materials sent in an alternate/accessible format, please let us know.
Are you a faculty or staff member?
Contact studentsuccess@mcmaster.ca to learn about ways we can support you and help you help students. We offer customized workshops, webinars, resources and more.

Arlene Fajutrao Dosen, B. Arts Sc., B.A., M.A. (she/her)
Assistant Dean and Executive Director (Student Success)
Email: dosena@mcmaster.ca
Sean Beaudette, M. Ed, PMP (he/him)
Associate Director (Outreach, Transition and Academic Success)
Email: beaudes@mcmaster.ca
Katherine Hesson-Bolton
Manager, Talent Partnerships and Employer Relations
Email: hessonbk@mcmaster.ca
Elizabeth DiEmanuele, M.A. (she/her)
Manager, Marketing and Communications
Email: diemanei@mcmaster.ca
Jacquie Hampshire, M. Ed (she/her)
Director, Marketing, Communications and Community Engagement
Email: hampsh@mcmaster.ca
Celeste Licorish (she/her)
Manager, Educational Initiatives and Assessment — Access Strategy
Email: licorisc@mcmaster.caOn leave

Adam Moniz
Manager, Educational Initiatives and Assessment — First-Year Experience
Email: monizab@mcmaster.ca
Gisela Oliveira (she/her)
Associate Director, Career Development, Global Mobility and International Student Success
Email: oliveig@mcmaster.ca
Jenna Storey, B.A., B. Ed. (she/her)
Manager, Educational Initiatives and Assessment – Writing and Academic Skills
Email: jenna.storey@mcmaster.ca
Yufei Zheng, M.Ed, RISIA (she/her)
Manager, International and Exchange Student Experience

Colleen DeKlerk, BSc, B.Ed, M.Ed (she/her)
Academic Skills Program Coordinator
On leave

Jen Pearson, BHSc, MSc (they/she)
Outreach Coordinator, Equity Deserving Groups (Access Program)
Email: pearsojl@mcmaster.ca
Ben Lee Taylor, PhD (he/him)
Academic Skills Program Coordinator (Writing Support)

Stephanie Cognigni (she/her)
Experiential Programming and Outreach Coordinator

Mitchell Onyedikachi Emmanuel-Kalu, H.B.A. (he/him)
Global Experience and International Program Assistant
Email: emmanueo@mcmaster.ca
Andrew Staples, M.A., BBA
Student Success Coach (International Students)
On leave