Why Studying Abroad in Australia Was the Best Decision of My Life
I learned countless lessons that fostered growth such as becoming independent, meeting people from around the world and embarking on...

Discovering the Extrovert Inside of Me: Denmark Exchange
All of this extroversion lasted until the later years of high school when the combination of the pandemic and a...

International Education Week
Develop and expand your global perspective through a week of events, activities and more This International Education Week, we’re encouraging...

January Reset
Imagine, plan and achieve your goals this new year. These events and resources can help. We asked you to vote...
Get started by viewing our general exchange information session and other webinars.
All students interested in studying abroad must view the General Information Session recording before they apply. Also, check out the other recordings provided by our international partners for more information. The general session is updated each year in early October.
Learn about country-specific opportunities and get guidance. (Access via OSCARplus > Taking It Global)
Receive regularly updated country and city guides exploring cultural insights in social and professional environments. (Access via OSCARplus > Taking It Global)
Do you have questions about applying for exchange? Join the MS Teams community for prospective outbound exchange students in the 2022–2023 academic year. Connect with global opportunities staff and students going through the application process.

Planned Happenstance: Kathlyn Bequilla (2020)

Planned Happenstance: Emerson Amorim (2020)