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Student Success Centre

Learning Skills Inventory

Your skills are essential to your personal, professional and academic growth throughout university and beyond. Use this tool to find out if you’re on track to succeed at university based on your skills and habits. It should take roughly 30–40 minutes to complete. Then, review specific recommendations to develop your skills based on your scores.

Are you on track to succeed at university? Take the Learning Skills Inventory to find out

As you complete the Learning Skills Inventory:

  • Read each statement.
  • Think carefully.
  • Respond as truthfully as you can.

The Learning Skills Inventory is based on key academic skills assessments used at post-secondary institutions across the country. The SSC academic skills team refers to these skills in their one-on-one coaching with students and skills development programming.

Note: Your privacy is important to us. Your results are confidential, and completing the inventory doesn’t give us access to your information.

When you’re done

Remember to save your results after you’re done. An academic coach can help you understand your results and put together a skills development plan. Book an appointment OSCARplus > Student Success Centre > Appointments > Academic Skills.


1. I get seven–eight hours of sleep every night.
2. I eat three proper meals a day.
3. I feel confident in managing my finances.
4. I have stress management strategies.
5. I find support when I need help.


1. I participate in extra-curricular activities or sports.
2. I know that I have experienced mentors or connections I can turn to for help.
3. I tend to search for resources to help me make informed decisions.
4. I feel that instructors and staff want me to achieve my goals.

Meeting expectations

Meeting expectations
1. I seek clarification on assignments from instructors when needed.
2. I review and use assignment feedback.
3. I have strategies to approach longer assignments.
4. I accurately estimate how long it will take to complete a writing assignment.
5. I accurately estimate how long it will take to complete readings.

Productive use of time

Productive use of time
1. I start assignments well in advance.
2. I submit all assignments on time.
3. I successfully balance academics and personal responsibilities.
4. I use lists and calendars.
5. I understand why I may procrastinate, and I have tools to help me focus.

Study strategies

Study strategies
1. I review notes right after class.
2. I summarize new information in my own words to ensure that I understand.
3. When studying, I create charts, diagrams and other graphics to make connections.
4. I create my own study questions.
5. I can make and stick to a study schedule.
6. I use strategies like studying for 25 minutes then taking a break for 5 minutes.
7. I review course material over several days instead of doing all my studying right before tests.

Test-taking strategies

Test-taking strategies
1. I scan the test before I begin.
2. For multiple-choice tests, I use strategies such as the cover-up method to think of the answer before revealing answer options.
3. I highlight key words in questions.
4. I start with the easy questions first to build my confidence.
5. I find out how many marks each question is worth and answer accordingly.
6. I plan how long to spend on each question.
7. I save time to review my test.

Writing development

Writing development
1. I am familiar with the writing process, and I leave enough time for each component when completing all written assignments, such as lab reports, case studies and essays.
2. I properly integrate sources in assignments.
3. I use correct citations and know where to find citation guides.
4. I apply previous feedback to upcoming assignments.
5. I book an appointment with the Writing Centre when I want peer feedback or I want to improve my writing.

Absorbing and capturing information

Absorbing and capturing information
1. I am able to summarize main ideas after reading passages.
2. I scan document headings, charts, graphs and so on before reading.
3. I create questions before reading. Then, I note the answers as I read.
4. When reading texts and articles, I find it easy to note important concepts for my study notes.
5. In lectures, I know what is important to include in my notes.
6. I use note-taking templates such as the Cornell Method.
7. I am able to easily recall information for tests.

Staying focused and motivated

Staying focused and motivated
1. I think about the purpose of tasks and why they are important to my academic growth.
2. I have an accountability buddy I can connect with to help me progress.
3. I create short- and long-term goals to stay motivated.
4. I avoid distractions during lectures and study times.
5. I can study for courses I don't find interesting.
6. I think of school as work, so I employ the same level of dedication.
7. I use strategies such as "start with five minutes," chunking tasks and envisioning success.
8. I believe I can do any task that's set before me.