Why Studying Abroad in Australia Was the Best Decision of My Life
I learned countless lessons that fostered growth such as becoming independent, meeting people from around the world and embarking on...
Discovering the Extrovert Inside of Me: Denmark Exchange
All of this extroversion lasted until the later years of high school when the combination of the pandemic and a...
Living, Learning and Growing: My French Exchange Adventure
Living alone in a foreign country was initially daunting. I had never been away from home for such an extended...
Finding balance between the old and the new: Exchange at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Luckily for me, I had something as an emotional outlet and passtime, that didn’t require a language: running. Long distance...
Considering an Exchange? Do It Scared
Because of all of this, there was a time right before I left where I was utterly terrified of doing...
Embracing Change: My Journey of Growth During Exchange in Marseille
The Initial Adjustment The first few weeks in Marseille were a whirlwind. The language barrier was significant, as the local...
Peer Leader Program
The Peer Leader program includes a volunteer opportunity, scheduled professional development and connections to your peers. Browse all the appointment...
Get the one-on-one support you need this year
Types of appointments and support Browse all the appointment types to find out how you can access support. Then, book...
Showcasing McMaster’s commitment to global learning and engagement
This November, McMaster’s commitment to making a global impact, as outlined in the Model for Global Engagement, is on the minds of students, staff and...
Fostering global entrepreneurship at McMaster
Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) is a collection of activities, competitions and events aimed at making it easier for anyone, anywhere...
Stories for a global community: “Motherland, Fatherland and New World”
My first home is Nigeria, a juxtaposed hub of wealth and poverty yet amassed with ingenuous citizens and colourful cultures....
Stories for a global community: “The Journey”
It was my university graduation day. The last two years I spent 1,000 miles away from home studying in Bhopal,...
Stories for a global community: “We Are Not So Different You & I”
At the Humanitarian Organization for Migration Economics (HOME), I worked as a casework intern helping migrant workers win salary, abuse,...
Stories for a global community: “Sneeze”
Clouds of dust spring up as we slide to a stop on the side of a major road in a...
McMaster Global 2020 explores how higher education can address the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
What role can universities play in advancing the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? That’s the question that McMaster Global...
SSC wins silver: Prix d’Excellence Awards
The Student Success Centre is thrilled to announce that “Encouraging Students to Think Global,” which included 2019 global initiatives such...
Golden Week travels: a new era to explore with friends
Before exchange, I found it difficult to find people I could relate to and found it difficult to even talk...
Adjusting abroad
Struggles with transition aren’t only reserved for the beginning of an experience as grand as studying abroad; the end is...
Familiarity and community: the makings of a second home
For me, knowing my way around an area is what makes me feel at home and less like a tourist,...
Learning and exploring Australia’s natural gifts
Exchange is a great way to learn more about your host nation and even have the opportunity to go visit...