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Student Success Centre

Graduate Writing and Communication Support

The Writing Centre is here to support graduate students at McMaster. Whether through one-on-one writing advising, specialized programs or workshops, we can help you improve your writing skills, become a more effective communicator and meet the requirements of your program.

One-on-one writing advising

We know how rewarding and challenging it can feel to write a dissertation or master’s thesis.

We won’t edit your work, but we can give you tools and strategies to revise your own work, keep you motivated and regroup when things do not go as planned.

What we offer:

  • Individualized consultation on your work
  • Guidance on developing a workplan that reflects your timeline
  • Strategies for incorporating feedback 
  • Strategies for revision
  • Tools to enhance motivation

Writing advisors work collaboratively with graduate master’s and doctoral theses and dissertations, manuscripts for publication, papers for coursework and more. 

Book appointments on OSCARplus > Student Success Centre > Appointments > Academic Skills. Or email our graduate writing specialist at

25-minute appointments

  • Ideal for specific questions 
  • Help with documentation, academic style 

50-minute appointments

  • Suitable for more complex questions
  • Consultation on larger projects like doctoral dissertations and major research papers

Programs and workshops

Research shows that being a part of a learning community — a group of people working and studying together — is especially beneficial for writers. Working with other writers can improve your writing skills, increase your productivity and build your confidence. Discover our programs and workshops to get involved and hone your writing and communication skills.

How much could you get done with three full days of structured writing time?

Designed to help you make substantial progress in a concentrated period of time, the Dissertation Writing Intensive features structured writing time, optional onsite writing support and post-intensive options to keep the momentum going. Coffee, tea and snacks will be available all day for those participating in person.

The Dissertation Writing Intensive may be a great fit if:

  • You have completed most or all of your research and need to get a lot of writing done.
  • Your motivation for writing your dissertation could use a boost.
  • You are excited at the prospect of making meaningful progress in a short period of time.
  • You like free coffee, tea and snacks (for those participating in person).

Email to get a notification when registration opens for Dissertation Writing Intensive.

Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., and Thursdays, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. | Online

Graduate Writing Circles are designed to keep graduate students on track to meet their writing goals. Facilitated by a trained writing advisor, these weekly groups provide participants with the tools to support goal-setting, meeting deadlines and making the writing process as productive and efficient as possible.

During a typical session, students will share successes and challenges in meeting specific writing goals. Students will celebrate wins and troubleshoot obstacles. Some groups will have co-working time built into the sessions.

Email to register or find out when the next Writing Circles are scheduled to take place.

Graduate writing workshops are informal and informative sessions, suitable for graduate students from all disciplines.  All workshops will be held online. 

Questions? Email