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Student Success Centre

Personal statement: Letter of intent

The following will provide some general points to help guide this important component of your application process.

October 24, 2023

We also encourage you to research each program to find the specific document guidelines and

Good applications are:

  • Have a clear understanding of the program
  • Know the skills and knowledge needed for the profession or research area
  • You’ll also need a strong understanding of yourself
  • Ask yourself questions to get to a level of insight expected.
  • What do you want to learn and why?
  • Why do I want x program or profession? … Then ask “why” again
  • Provide examples, evidence, stories
  • Think of the 3 R’s when considering which stories to use: Relevant, Responsibility level and Recent (as possible)
  • Include enough details so the readers get a picture of the situation or experience.
  • Don’t assume the reader knows
  • Review and fine tune your writing
  • Should be well organized, easy to follow and engaging to read.
  • Vocabulary, grammar, essay structure, etc.
  • Check and double check for grammar and spelling mistakes.
  • Give the committee a glimpse into the person you are and/or your interests and motivations.
  • Ask yourself if this could be anyone’s statement or is it uniquely yours – based on your perspective, attitudes, viewpoint.
  • Start early. Give yourself ample time to make many revisions.
  • Demonstrate your motivation and preparation.
  • Target your writing to each school(s) and/or program(s) using your research about what they offer and how your skills, interests, and experiences align.
  • Most importantly – ensure it is focused on the program and follows instructions/guidelines provided (ex. Word or character count, page limit, spacing, font size/style). Some may be specific while others are vague.


Additional Guides and Tips

Writing Supports

  • Application support is available through the Student Success Centre – appointments available through