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Student Success Centre

Why volunteer online? Opportunities, skills, experiences

Whether you are volunteering for personal or professional development, the benefits are valuable, and the skills are transferrable. You can take what you learned in volunteer positions and apply them to your professional, academic, or personal work. 

August 17, 2023

Boost Your Employment Prospects

Volunteering online gives you experiences and opportunities to put on your resume, discuss in your interviews and help you build skills.

Try Something New

Volunteering online gives you the opportunity to try a new form of volunteering where you can build your skills that can be applied to personal, professional and academic experiences.

Create an Online Network

Volunteering online allows you to create an online network which can lead to future opportunities within the organization.

Where to Find Online Volunteer Positions:

To find volunteer positions that are online, search for “remote” (i.e., eWork, eVolunteering or virtual) before a position to find opportunities. These are a few databases where many online volunteering positions can be found: