The dangers of contract cheating and how to protect yourself
Although … the guidelines do specify a minimum of three outside sources, and you haven’t even chosen a topic yet....

Five tips for school-work-life balance as a student
I struggled to achieve a school-work-life balance, which caused a lot of issues with my mental health and led to...

What I learned after receiving my first low grade
Since high school, I had high grades. In my third year statistics course when I recieved my first low grade,...

Five ways to stay motivated
1. Complete small tasks daily When I review the amount of work I need to complete, I feel reluctant. I...

Five reasons why you should ask for help
1. Find services and opportunities that reflect your needs The first part of asking for help, is to seek someone...

Upper-year students share their advice dealing with test anxiety
Destiny’s story Being a student who always wanted to do well, I placed a lot of pressure on myself. This...

My experience changing programs
Where did I start? Figuring out what career you want to pursue is difficult, especially when you probably do not...

What I learned in second-year, as a fourth-year student
1. Invest time in building your skills Everyone wants to succeed, get good grades, and feel confident in their academic abilities...

My first year vs. my fourth year
After four years, I learned a lot and I hope this advice helps you through your own journey. I encourage...

Ways to organize your time in university
Today, I will be focusing on organizing your time and using time pockets outside of class to get some studying...

Finding the right study spots on campus
There are many great spots on campus for a variety of types of studying and it is important that you...

What to expect when you meet with an SSC writing advisor
So, you’ve decided to meet with an SSC writing advisor Great! Meeting with a writing advisor is an excellent way...

10 myths about writing advising: The Writing Centre at McMaster
Myth 1: Consulting with a writing advisor is somehow cheating. Not at all. The Student Success Centre offers writing advising...

New writing and career services for McMaster graduate students
Improve your writing and get support with the dissertation writing process The Writing Centre is now open to support grad...

Peer Leader Program
The Peer Leader program includes a volunteer opportunity, scheduled professional development and connections to your peers. Browse all the appointment...

Level up your education and well-being with communities of learning
When I was an undergrad and I got stressed out by my workload, I’d retreat. I’d study by myself until...

Get the one-on-one support you need this year
Types of appointments and support Browse all the appointment types to find out how you can access support. Then, book...

What you need to know about contract cheating as a university student
Contract cheating, the process of hiring a third-party company to complete your assignment, is a growing business scam. Companies target...

“Self-talk (a poem inverse)” (2022 Academic Skills Writing Contest)
This written piece was a winning submission (third place) for the 2022 Academic Skills Writing Contest. The 2022 theme was "potential."

In-person exams aren’t as scary as you think
This year, we’ve learned that many of you might feel anxious or overwhelmed about in-person exams. For example, in a...